Source code for loop_dhs.automl_image

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import math
import os

import cv2

[docs]class AutoMLResult: """Just the values to be sent to DCSS""" def __init__(self, result: list) -> None: self.type = "LOOP_INFO" self.index = result[1] self.status = result[2] self.tipX = result[3] self.tipY = result[4] self.pinBaseX = result[5] self.fiberWidth = result[6] self.loopWidth = result[7] self.boxMinX = result[8] self.boxMaxX = result[9] self.boxMinY = result[10] self.boxMaxY = result[11] self.loopWidthX = result[12] self.isMicroMount = result[13] self.loopClass = result[14] self.loopScore = result[15]
[docs]class AutoMLImage: def __init__(self, message, output_dir) -> None: self.index = message.index self.axis_file_name = "loop_{:04}.jpeg".format(self.index) self.adorned_output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "bboxes") self.file_to_adorn = os.path.join(output_dir, self.axis_file_name) self.automl_score = message.loop_top_score self.automl_class = message.loop_top_classification if message.loop_num is not None: self.loop_upper_left = [message.loop_bb_minX, message.loop_bb_minY] self.loop_lower_right = [message.loop_bb_maxX, message.loop_bb_maxY] self.loop_tip = [message.tip_x, message.tip_y] else: self.loop_upper_left = [0.01, 0.01] self.loop_lower_right = [0.02, 0.02] self.loop_tip = [0.5, 0.5] if message.pin_num is not None: self.pin_upper_left = [message.pin_bb_minX, message.pin_bb_minY] self.pin_lower_right = [message.pin_bb_maxX, message.pin_bb_maxY] else: self.pin_upper_left = [0.03, 0.03] self.pin_lower_right = [0.04, 0.04]
[docs] def adorn_image(self): self.draw_bounding_box()
# self.draw_automl_stats()
[docs] def draw_bounding_box(self): """Draw the AutoML bounding box and loop tip crosshair overlaid on a JPEG image.""" image = cv2.imread(self.file_to_adorn) s = tuple(image.shape[1::-1]) w = s[0] h = s[1] tipX_frac = self.loop_tip[0] tipY_frac = self.loop_tip[1] tipX = round(tipX_frac * w) tipY = round(tipY_frac * h) crosshair_size = round(0.1 * h) # upper left corner of rectangle in pixels. loop_start_point = ( math.floor(self.loop_upper_left[0] * w), math.floor(self.loop_upper_left[1] * h), ) pin_start_point = ( math.floor(self.pin_upper_left[0] * w), math.floor(self.pin_upper_left[1] * h), ) # lower right corner of rectangle in pixels. loop_end_point = ( math.ceil(self.loop_lower_right[0] * w), math.ceil(self.loop_lower_right[1] * h), ) pin_end_point = ( math.ceil(self.pin_lower_right[0] * w), math.ceil(self.pin_lower_right[1] * h), ) loop_w = round((self.loop_lower_right[0] - self.loop_upper_left[0]), 3) loop_h = round((self.loop_lower_right[1] - self.loop_upper_left[1]), 3) # volor in BGR red = (0, 0, 255) green = (0, 255, 0) magenta = (255, 0, 255) # Line thickness in px thickness = 1 cv2.rectangle(image, loop_start_point, loop_end_point, red, thickness) cv2.rectangle(image, pin_start_point, pin_end_point, magenta, thickness) cross_hair_horz = [(tipX - crosshair_size, tipY), (tipX + crosshair_size, tipY)] cross_hair_vert = [(tipX, tipY - crosshair_size), (tipX, tipY + crosshair_size)] cv2.line(image, cross_hair_horz[0], cross_hair_horz[1], green, 2) cv2.line(image, cross_hair_vert[0], cross_hair_vert[1], green, 2) font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX fontScale = 0.70 fontColor = red lineType = 2 cv2.putText( image, self.automl_class, (20, 50), font, fontScale, fontColor, thickness, lineType, ) cv2.putText( image, ("TH: " + str(self.automl_score)), (20, 100), font, fontScale, fontColor, thickness, lineType, ) cv2.putText( image, ("tipX: " + str(tipX_frac)), (240, 50), font, fontScale, green, thickness, lineType, ) cv2.putText( image, ("tipY: " + str(tipY_frac)), (240, 100), font, fontScale, green, thickness, lineType, ) cv2.putText( image, ("loopW: " + str(loop_w)), (450, 50), font, fontScale, red, thickness, lineType, ) cv2.putText( image, ("loopH: " + str(loop_h)), (450, 100), font, fontScale, red, thickness, lineType, ) output_filename = "automl_" + os.path.basename(self.file_to_adorn) outfile = os.path.join(self.adorned_output_dir, output_filename) cv2.imwrite(outfile, image)